Essen im Sande 07.07. // Film Screening + Zine Launch Agricultures School

Kommt vorbei am Freitag, 7. Juli zum wie immer tollen Essen im Sande, dieses Mal zusammen mit der Agricultures School!
Come over, friday 7th of july, to our beautiful Food im Sande, this time together with Agricultures School!
18 Uhr Food im Sande + Zine Launch:
The zine documents the first meeting of the Agricultures School in July 2022 which was dedicated to the soil, our everyday, historical and structural relationships with the earth. We are excited to share it with you!
19 Uhr Cinema:
al-Yad al-Kadra / FORAGERS, Jumana Manna, Palestine, 2022
Foragers moves between documentary and fiction to depict the dramas between the Israeli Nature Protection Authority and Palestinian foragers. With a wry sense of humor, the film captures the inherited love, resilience and knowledge of these traditions, over an eminently political backdrop.
SELFISH ROAD, Oreet Ashery, 2022
Selfish Road depicts a contradictory environment of industrial extraction obscured by spiritual wellness practices. With anger, grief, hope and resistance, it dreams of material ecological visions for indigenous life away from settler occupation, and seeks out an ethics in and beyond the beauty of the region.
Films in arabic, hebrew und english with english subtitles,
entrance free
Am Bullenstall, Gutshof 4d, 15518 Steinhöfel OT Neuendorf im Sande
More infos about the films and the zine:

al-Yad al-Kadra / FORAGERS
Jumana Manna, Palestine, 2022
Foragers depicts the dramas around the practice of foraging for wild edible plants in Palestine/Israel with wry humor and a meditative pace. Shot in the Golan Heights, the Galilee and Jerusalem, it moves between fiction, documentary and archival footage to portray the impact of Israeli nature protection laws on these customs. The restrictions prohibit the collection of the artichoke-like ’akkoub and za’atar (thyme), and have resulted in fines and trials for hundreds caught collecting these native plants. For Palestinians, these laws constitute an ecological veil for legislation that further alienates them from their land while Israeli state representatives insist on their scientific expertise and duty to protect. Following the plants from the wild to the kitchen, from the chases between the foragers and the nature patrol, to courtroom defenses, Foragers captures the inherited love, joy and knowledge in these traditions alongside their resilience to the prohibitive law. By reframing the terms and constraints of preservation, the film raises questions around the politics of extinction, namely who determines what is made extinct and what gets to live on.
Jumana Manna is a visual artist and filmmaker. Her work explores how power is articulated, focusing on the body, land and materiality in relation to colonial inheritances and histories of place. Through sculpture, filmmaking, and occasional writing, Manna deals with the paradoxes of preservation practices, particularly within the fields of archaeology, agriculture and law.

Oreet Ashery, 2022
Journeying through their homeland and recalling autobiographical memories along the way, Ashery observes how both senses of belonging have and continue to fuse with the vertiginous and winding flows of nation-building, infrastructure and land use. Turning a camera onto the contested areas in and around Jerusalem, Selfish Roaddraws upon the genres of science-fiction, stand-up comedy, the family photo album, and the implicit privilege of the slacker road movie. The film reveals a composite portrait of a rapidly changing landscape: roads collapse into sinkholes, diseased cacti line highways, and location-monitoring apps map circuitous routes to flag “high risk” and “prohibited” areas. This episodic reflection of space and place attempts to work through the paradox: How can you own something that is stolen?
Text: Mason Leaver-Yap
Oreet Ashery is a visual artist who works across established art institutions and grassroots social contexts. Using film, photography, performance, 2D and textiles, they narrate stories of precarious identities and combine autoethnography, collective knowledge and biopolitical fiction. Oreet Ashery’s Selfish Road is a commission by KW Institute of Contemporary Art, Berlin.

agricultures school (collective experiments)
queer feminist histories and decolonial knowledges
This zine documents the first meeting of the agricultures school in July 2022 which was dedicated to the soil, our everyday, historical and structural relationships with the earth. Starting from the Neuendorf estate as a collective organism of living history and from various artistic, agricultural and political practices, we traced the connections between land, colonialism, gender and ecologies. Addressing questions and radical approaches to land rights that have been at the basis of anti-colonial, indigenous and feminist movements for centuries and today shape alternative rural and ecological policies and demands, we asked ourselves: How can we think of agriculture and rural life in a decolonial way? Which stories of queer feminist and anti-colonial movements do we know or can we imagine? What are the relationships to earth, soil and land that exist beyond patriarchal inheritance and capitalist property relations? What are the historical and contemporary connections between land ownership, agriculture and war? How are we personally and socially involved in these questions, what are our own anchors, memories, resistances and desires?